Japan Amphibian Laboratory

Japan amphibian laboratory

This institute has established in 1970 by Naotsugu Shinozaki, M.D. Ph.D who was only physician in Oku-Nikko. Nikko is the one of the most dense habitat for salamanders and frogs, including Hynobius nigrescens,
Hynobius lichenatus, Onychodactylus japonicus and other species of Anuran.


Diversity of nature in Nikko National Park consists over 2000m altitude difference with lakes, water falls, hot springs, creeks and rivers, swamps, etc. as the first Japanese National Park since December 4, 1934.
Biological diversity of the Nikko is based on the diversity of it’s geography.


Conserving the nature and proposing the protection of these animals, we made world first salamander tunnel to reach breeding sights for Hakone Salamander (Onychodactylus japonicus) and also the first artificial breeding pool for Black Salamander (Hynobius nigrescens) which the largest breeding ponds would buried due to the construction of Sabo dam.


We found the first human body stem cell to be transplanted to the patients in 1996 (NEJM 1999) .
Our stem cell research and regenerative biology to identify the mechanism of regeneration and how and why the multi-potential had been lost after



営業時間 10:00~17:00
休 館 日 火曜日




PRICE 入場料金

大人 中人
一般 1,000円 800円 500円

●障害者手帳をご提示の方とご同伴者(1名)は入場料金 が一般料金の半額になります。
●再入場はできません。再入場 を希望される場合は、出入口のスタッフまでお申し出ください。

CLUB クラブ会員(年間)

サラマンダークラブ・ニュートクラブ ......入会金無し 年会費3,000円
日光アカデミークラブ ...................入会金2,000円 年会費4,000円以上


〒321-1661 栃木県日光市中宮祠2484

(日本語) ミッション

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